You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.14. Inventory - Adjustments > Inventory - Adjustments - Transfer To Warehouse > Stock Transfer Creation - Edit Menu Options > Stock Transfer Creation - Edit - Explode All Kits
Stock Transfer Creation - Edit - Explode All Kits

This menu option is only enabled when a kit (or Bill of Materials - BOM) is being transferred. You have the choice of transferring the assembled kit or having Micronet break the kit up into its separate components. If you break the kit up, then each component can be edited as required.


Technical Tip

This option explodes all kitted items into their separate components. If you only wanted to explode selected kitted items, refer to "Enter Stock Transfer - Explode Kit".

To explode the kit components for a transfer:

  1. Display the Stock Transfer Creation screen.

Refer to "Stock Transfer Creation - Edit Menu Options".


Micronet displays a message asking you to confirm that you want to explode all kitted items.

  1. Select Yes to break up each kit into its separate components for the transfer.

Micronet redisplays the Stock Transfer Creation screen listing each of the kit components separately.